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alt="Mental health psychological symbol. Concept words Mental health is health on wooden blocks"

Our team has a proven track record of partnering with rural-health primary care providers in establishing mental health clinics from the ground up. Through a strategic planning process, you are able to identify which of our service levels best fit your needs Our services span from basic start up consultation to full clinic management.  

Identifying and hiring Qualified Mental Health Professionals

Onboarding documentation

Billing Procedures

Human Resource Management

Clinical Supervision 

Day to day practice management & oversight

Regardless of the service level, our LemonAid Mental Health consultation team significantly alleviates the inevitable growing pains of expanding your rural health clinic to include mental health services.  Painless mental health program start-up and management, YOU WIN. Access to high-quality mental health services, YOUR PATIENT WINS.  Comprehensive medical services in your community, EVERYONE WINS.

Contact Us
*If you are having a mental health emergency please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.  We may not receive your response immediately therefore we can not guarantee immediate assistance*.

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